Tel: 02085521858
Mob: 07984160451

Al Aqsa Tour Terms & Conditions

Package Details

Visa, meet and Assist at Jeddah airport, air conditioning transport (sharing), air conditioned accomodation in Makkah and Madinah.
Note: Transprot from Jeddah to Makkah only. Breakfast Only
4 Star Hotel in Makkah - Free Pick-up / Drop off from
2 Star Hotel in Madinah - Dayyar Gharra
Sahab AL- Roudha Hotel: Free pick up and drop to haram for every prayer.
For more information about the Umrah packages please contact us on: 02073776726

Your contract is with the UK Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd. Below are details of your obligations under these booking conditions please read carefully. When you make the booking as we accept it is as a legally binding contract.

1. Payment

When we receive your completed Booking Form accompanied by a deposit requesting your chosen pilgrimage we will send you or your travel agent our Confirmation Invoice. There will be no contract between us until the Confirmation Invoice has been sent and it acts as our acceptance of the booking in accordance with these booking terms & conditions which are subject to English Law and Jurisdiction. Any money paid by the customer to an agent under or in contemplation of the contract is held by the agent as agent for U.K Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd.

2. any Changes

As you will appreciate, your pilgrimage arrangements are planned many months in advance and on rare occasions it may be necessary to make modifications to them and we reserve the right to make such changes at anytime. In the majority of cases such changes will be minor but if they are of a more substantial nature we will do our best to advise you or your travel agent prior to your departure. If we forced to make major changes notified before departure to your pilgrimage we notify the customers as soon as it is possible to do so.

3. Responsibility

UK Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the suppliers provided are of an acceptable standard. As part of our policy of customer care U.K Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd will not accept responsibility for the proven negligent acts and / or omissions of our employees and agents and our suppliers and sub-contractors, servants and / or agents whilst acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment in respect of claims arising as a result of death, bodily injury or illness to you or any member of your party. We also will not accept responsibilities for visas not given to any pilgrim by the Saudi Embassy of the UK or the Saudi Hajj ministry. It is the responsibility of the pilgrim to check visa validity with their corresponding travel dates.
We cannot accept any liability loss, damage or expense resulting from industrial action, threatened or actual or any event outside our control were such events delay, extend or compel a change in pilgrimage arrangements.

4. Delays

We cannot accept any liability for any delay in your flight to or from the UK whether the cancellation or delay is caused by adverse weather conditions, rescheduling of times by the airline, the airport authorities and /or the action of air traffic controllers, mechanical breakdown, strike or action, industrial action or otherwise.
However, in certain circumstances you may be able to make a claim under your travel insurance policy. We do not offer any travel insurance but we recommend that you should consider taking travel insurance for your trip.

Please Note: The walking distance is a rough idea and it may not be exact. It is your job to check out the distance out on google earth before making a boooking with us. For elderly people the walking distance may take longer, as there may be a rush or a crowd congestion due to thousands of pilgrims going or coming from the Holy Mosques.

5. Behaviour

You must not behave in away that causes distress, injury or annoyance to others or create risk or danger or damage to property. If you do you may be evicted from your hotel or apartment and therefore we have no liability to you. We will not refund any portion of the cost of your pilgrimage.

6. Brochure Information

We have compiled the information on this website and brochure as accurately as possible. However, since we include so much detail there may be occasions when an advertised facility may be altered or withdrawn for reasons outside our control during your own particular pilgrimage e.g. planned Ziyaarat may be changed; or room furniture and facilities may differ during the peak Hajj periods. It is important to bear in mind that your expectations of the pilgrimage must be reasonable and must be based on what we have said to you on the website or brochure. We do not accept any liability for any disappointment that you may feel as a result of unrealistic expectations, it is the responsibility of the pilgrim to check out the hotel offered before booking. Further, the operation of certain amenities and facilities may be subject to local licensing laws or religious pilgrimage. Maintenance and local energy conservation measures may mean that the hotel or apartment limits certain facilities, e.g. air conditioning or water supplies, unseasoned weather conditions can cause electricity failure. In such circumstances UK Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd shall be under no liability for any loss or damage arising there from. The operation and supervision of overseas property, transport and other are subject to local laws, regulations, standards and codes of practice of individual countries. The legal and safety requirement of many foreign countries is lower standard than in the UK. You should note that the standards imposed will be that of the country you are visiting and not that of the UK. All hotel rooms have private bathrooms, the size of the rooms are usually than those in Europe.

7. Cancellations

Should you or any member of your party be forced to cancel your booking once it has been accepted, a valid cancellation can only be made if you give written instructions either to the travel agent through whom you made your booking to notify us immediately or if booked through UK Hajj & Umrah Services Ltd. No pilgrim will be entitled to a refund on a cancellation.

8. Problems

In the very unlikely event of there being something not to your liking whilst you are on the pilgrimage that is in our direct control you must report it immediately. This will give your representative an opportunity to correct the matter so that it does not spoil your pilgrimage. Your pilgrimage enjoyment is our prime consideration. If the matter cannot be put right on the spot details of your complaints should be recorded on a client comment from available on request. This form together with an accompanying letter must be forwarded to our Passenger Relations Department within 14 days of the completion of your pilgrimage. We will not accept liability in respect of claims received outside this period.